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**Dr Nicola is now on Maternity Leave and is not available for appointments**

Meet Dr Nicola Steward, Chiropractor

Dr. Nicola StewardDr Nicola Steward is passionate about health, recovery, and helping raise people to their magnificent potential. Having suffered illness herself and experienced so many different treatments, she understands how frustrating the search can be, and how relieving it feels to finally realise you’re in the right place.

Providing Gentle Care That Gets Results

Nicola has a keen interest in women’s health, hormones and stress. She uses gentle techniques to work with your body, finding and unlocking stored tension using NetworkSpinal Chiropractic (previously NSA).

She believes chiropractic can provide life-changing benefits, and is often blown away at the amazing results patients experience.

Nicola has worked in chiropractic since 2012 in both Melbourne and Sydney, as well as volunteering as a chiropractor in Mumbai, India, and a health educator in Zambia. She owned Evolve Innate Health chiropractic Centre in Prahran and Essendon, before starting her family and returning to where she grew up—the Mornington Peninsula.

Outside the Practice

When not at Evolve Innate Health, Nicola chases after two young daughters, attempting to grow food in her permaculture garden, and occasionally going on adventures such as camping, diving or competing in a triathlon.

Book an Appointment

Contact us today to book an appointment with Nicola!

Dr Nicola’s Hours

Monday 3:30pm – 6:30pm
Thursday 2pm – 6pm


Dr Nicola Steward | 03 9770 6156